Assessment of anxiety and depression in patients with advanced gynaecological cancer
Background: Anxiety and depression disorders are common in palliative care. The impact of these disorders on quality of life and on existential concerns is strong. This research was performed to assess the prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with advanced gynecological cancer.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective study over a period of 2 years in 98 patients with advanced gynecological cancer. The 98 patients included in the study were divided into two categories by age (under 55 years and over 56 years). The patients were evaluated at first admission (Basic visit) and after 3 months (Follow up visit), by means of 1 questionnaire: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – HADS.
Results :The percentage of women who experience abnormal level of anxiety is: 13,73% for the first category of age (under 55years) and 12,77% for the second category of age (over 56 years) at Basic visit, while, at Follow up visit, the percentage is 15,69% for the first category of age and 19,15% for the second category of age. The percentage of women who do experience abnormal level of depression at Basic visit is 11,76% for the first category of age and 12,77% for the second category of age, while, at Follow up visit, the percentage is 9,50% for the first category of age and 25,53% for the second category of age. There is a statistical difference between Basic visit and Follow up visit in patients from the second category of age, the percentage of women who experience abnormal level of depression is increasing from 12,77% to 25,53%.
Discussions and Conclusions: Anxiety and depression are reported to impact significantly on quality of life of palliative care patients with advanced gynaecological cancer. In conclusion, continuous screening for anxiety and depression is recommended as a necessary approach for patients with advanced gynaecological cancer.
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