The Mask object in psychotherapy: Presentation and Representation

Salvatore Settineri, Fabio Frisone, Emanuele Maria Merlo


The idea of bringing together contributions from different disciplines stems from the fact that many of the failures of psychotherapy arise from the lack of comprehension about unknown points of view, from inhomogeneous readings, from unavailability to change methods. In other words, approaches that are not sufficiently oriented to get out of  an ultraspecialized perspective. The advantage of a methodology based on interdisciplinarity allowed us to put different contributions into a dialogue. This connection led to the emergence of original ideas on the considered topics. Moreover, by responding positively to the challenges of transdisciplinarity, the same contributions also turned out to be compared to the considerations that would have been posed  opening up to dialogue with the multiple fields of knowledge.


Mask object; Psychotherapy; Representation; Psychopathology

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