Mask as an epiphenomenon of the complex in psychotherapy

Fabio Frisone


One of the pitfalls in the psychotherapeutic field can be traced when working on the patient's complexes. In order to highlight the implications offered by the function of the mask, capable even of being revealed as a true epiphenomenon of the complexes in the psychotherapeutic path, the work presented, starting from the analytical theoretical framework, highlights the semantic peculiarities offered by C.G. Jung in reference to the concepts that the analytical psychologist himself offers on the themes attributable to the mask and the complex. The methods through which analytical psychology moves in the therapeutic path allow us to grasp the originals of - as they are not produced with a conscious intention – the therapeutic possibilities offered by the analysis of the dream. Indeed, it will be through the interpretation of dreams, that the highlighting of a patient's psychotherapy complexes will be most possible. In the final phase, the conclusions will be drawn on the principal limits and resources of the analytical therapeutic pathway.


Mask; Complex; Psychotherapy.

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