Sexting categories

Arta Dodaj, Kristina Sesar


Sexting has recently become a relatively widespread and devastating problem among youth, and its complex nature and consequences are increasingly arousing the interest of current scientific and professional practice. Although researchers have made substantial efforts to provide the definition of the sexting there is no general consensus among them on the meaning of the sexting. In this review, we proposed a simple theoretical framework of sexting that seeks to refine the operationalization of sexting from previous research. Following a systematic review of sexting research from Sesar, Dodaj and Šimić (2018) which postulated a theoretical model of sexting, as well as previous researchers, we suggest that sexting behaviour has four forms: relational sexting, reactive sexting, forced sexting and violent sexting. We define this operationalization of sexting by focusing on the motivation for sexting and underlying sexting elements (such as the content of sexts etc.).  This paper describes all forms of sexting behaviour proposed and closes by encouraging future researchers to investigate our understanding of sexting behaviour.


Sexting; Motivation for sexting; Elements of sexting; Typology.

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