A prototypical MMPI-2 configuration of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Background: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is often measured through self-report questionnaires focused on measuring symptomatology (Y-BOCS, OCI-R, and PI). The scientific literature identifies the Pt scale as a distinctive marker, but does not report data related to a specific OCD profile of the MMPI-2 test. Therefore, based on some clinical considerations and preliminary investigations, the following study aims to identify a specific MMPI-OCD configuration marked by the presence of significant indicators able to describe its psychological functioning and its key features in cognitive, emotional and affective terms.
Method: In order to explore the expected relationships, 395 participants were involved (average age: 34.20 years) and evaluated through the MMPI-2 test and the Yale-Brown interview.
Results: MANOVA, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Discriminant Function Analysis confirm that the OCD is marked by the recurrence of three elevated clinical scales (Pt, D, Sc). Hyper-prudential reasoning and some reasoning bias, typically employed by these subjects, could justify such results.
Conclusions: This specific configuration could therefore support the clinician during the assessment phases and lead him to identify – as well as differentiate – his characteristics from those of other psychological disorders, thus stimulating him to deepen during the interpretation of the results.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/mjcp-2554
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