Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Quality of Life Inventory in an Indonesian College Sample

Gian Sugiana Sugara, Cece Rakhmat, Juntika Nurihsan, Ilfiandra -


Quality of Life Inventory is a measuring tool to reveal the quality of life that has adequate psychometric properties in the United States. The research aims to investigate the QOLI structure model with a sample of Indonesian society. The results showed that the Indonesian sample (n = 697) showed a lower quality of life than the US-based standardization sample. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis shows that the three-factor model incorporates the construct of the fit model for Indonesian society. QOLI three-factor model consisting of personal growth (play, helping, spiritual, learning and creativity), social functioning (friends, family, neighborhood, community and relative) and self-functioning (health, self-esteem, financial, home, work and love). Psychometric properties show adequate results in accordance with Frisch's findings. In conclusion, this study shows that QOLI can be used in the Indonesian context. Recommendations for future studies can test QOLI in clinical samples from a three-factor model.


Quality of life inventory; Indonesian college sample; Psychometric properties.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/mjcp-2593


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