Adopted Adolescents Talk about the Mental States: a Qualitative Exploratory Study

Chiara Bastianoni, Simone Charpentier-Mora, Donatella Cavanna, Fabiola Bizzi


Adolescence represents a developmental phase characterized by several changes during which social and cognitive advances lead adolescents to the progressive improvement of mental states talk (MST), namely as a specific kind of language marked by semantic terms describing internal mental states related to both self and others. The use of MST within individual narratives has been associated with the capability to reflect on cognitive and emotional experiences, thus promoting a meaning-making process of self and others understanding. In light of that and considering the additional challenges characterizing the adolescent transition for adoption, this qualitative exploratory contribution aims to explore adopted adolescents’ use of MST from their narratives deepening the meaning-making process of the psychological and relational dimension of self and others. The Friends and Family Interview was administered to 13 adopted adolescents after eight years from their first placement. The transcripts were analyzed through the use of thematic content analysis. The findings highlight the extensive employment of MST among adopted adolescents with broader use of the Self than the Other-oriented once. Self MST co-occurs with other categories related to significant relational contexts. This brings additional insights within adoption research providing valuable resources for working with adopted adolescents and their families.


Adoption; Adolescence; Mental States Talk; Friends and Family Interview; Qualitative study.

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