Validation of the Italian version of the Internet Behaviors Scale
Problematic Internet Use (PIU) is a dysfunctional behavior associated with prolonged Internet use, which results of negative impact on different aspects of life. Several studies confirmed these negative effects, unlike others that highlighted the benefits of the Internet on psychosocial well-being. The use of standard, valid and reliable tools for PIU assessment could resolve these disputes and also have relevant clinical implications. This study aims to validate the Italian version of the Internet Behaviors Scale and verify its psychometric properties on our sample. The tool is composed of 38 items grouped three factors: Social aspects, Negative impact and Competence and convenience aspect.
The study involved 397 subjects, 257 females (64.7%), 138 males (34.8%) and 2 of other geneder (0.5%, not declared), aged 18 to 31 years old (mean = 20.42; SD = 2,72). Factor analyses consisting of Varimax rotation method, Kaiser normalization, Bartlett’s test of sphericity and internal consistency were performed.
The results confirmed the good psychometric properties of the Internet Behaviors Scale - Italian Version. Factor analysis showed the validity of the three factors and satisfactorily explained the total variance. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients indicated high internal consistency for each factor.
The use of this tool could be useful in the clinical setting, in order to understand the use of the Internet by users and its impact on psychosocial well-being.
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