A narrative review on clinical and research applications of The Mirror Paradigm: body image, psychopathology, and attachment
The Mirror Paradigm (MP) is an innovative technique that explores the influences of body representation, affect regulation, and nonverbal mirror behavior in children, adolescents and adults. The critical element of the MP is the use of a full-length mirror in front of which the interviewee is asked to answer questions about how they think and feel about their body, including perception, parental and sociocultural influences and the mind-body connection. Though research on MP is limited and focused mainly on adults, its many advantages are recognized. This narrative review aims to summarize its broad applicability, strengths and weakness and potential uses in both research and clinical settings.
The review of the literature was performed through a research on PsycArticles, PsycInfo, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, PubMed and Web of Science Scopus databases, plus Google Scholar and ResearchGate, including pertinent and providing quantitative or qualitative data documents. Of 505 documents, 7 articles were eligible for this review (1.4% of initial records).
Results revealed three main application of the MP: 1) Body image, where MP scores have been significantly correlated to body dissatisfaction assessed through questionnaires; 2) Psychopathology, where MP scores were useful in discriminating individuals with personality disorders and internalizing, externalizing, dissociative, and disordered eating symptoms; 3) Attachment, with nonverbal expressions and narratives about relationships to important others distinguishable between secure, preoccupied, and dismissive speakers as classified in the Adult Attachment Interview. Limitations and future directions are discussed, suggesting the MP as an innovative technique and measure promising for further integration in research and clinical practice.
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