The psychological benefits and efficacy of computer-assisted training on competency enhancement in adults with intellectual disability. A systematic review

Selene Mezzalira, Cristiano Scandurra, Rocco Filipponeri Pergola, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Ignacio Montero, Vincenzo Bochicchio


The use of modern technologies as instructional tools is becoming increasingly prevalent in both general and special education. This systematic review examines the effects of computer-assisted and digital training on competency enhancement for adults with intellectual disabilities. As opposed to mere knowledge, “competency” was defined as the ability to apply and employ acquired knowledge to carry out tasks and solve problems in professional, social, and personal life domains. The PRISMA procedure was used to search for records dealing with competency enhancement using computerized training for intellectually disabled adults. Twenty-two articles met the inclusion criteria, showing that contemporary technology, computer-based tools, and digital instruments can positively affect the quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities, and enhance their personal, professional, and social competencies. Ultimately, fostering computer-based technology to enhance competencies in adults with intellectual disabilities appears to be very promising, in that it allows these individuals to better integrate into society and live more independently, autonomously, and effectively.


Intellectual disability; Competency enhancement; Computer-based training; Education; Quality of life.

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