Telepsychology: Acceptability of online assessment and treatment in users and professional psychologists

Santo F. Di Nuovo, Valeria Narzisi


Background: The article deals with issues related to telepsychology, i.e. assessment and treatment interventions using online tools. Historical stages of the assessment and treatment at distance are described, citing methods and instruments and the empirical evidence on their feasibility and validity.

Methods: The study regarded the acceptance of remote intervention by two samples of professional clinical psychologists (n = 100) and potential users (n = 200). An online survey was used, including attitudes questionnaires, the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model, a Semantic Differential, and the Big Five Inventory (only for users).

Results: The professionals appear more convinced than users that the online assessment and therapy intervention is useful and can be spread more. With regard to tests, they suppose greater difficulties for the responders than the users themselves perceive. At the same time, the psychologists think that diagnostic tools should be adapted to be applied online, so specific training is needed to effectively use assessment and clinical support in telematic mode.

Conclusions: The study confirms the trust of both psychologists and potential users towards online testing and interventions. Specific tools are needed to carry out the psychological intervention at distance, and specific training should be assured of psychologists who intend to use it.


Telepsychology; Online assessment; Professional psychology; Acceptability of technologies.

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