Re-exploring the connection between Emotional Intelligence, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress in adult population.

Maria Dolores Tolsa, Olga Malas


The relationship between emotional intelligence (EI), anxiety, depression and stress has been analysed through the application of self-reported questionnaires. The objective of this work is to expand the research on the subject, in general population, applying a tool based in mixed theoretical model of Emotional Self-efficacy. A sample of 623 Spanish adults of both sexes participated in the study. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire - Short Form (TEIQue-SF), the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale (GADS), and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) were administered online. The results obtained support the existence of a negative relationship between trait EI and the variables analysed. Reporting data indicating an explained variance for the global trait EI of 29.7 to 32.9% for anxiety, 27.7 to 29.1 for depression and 37.2 to 47.3% for stress, confirming the greater importance of the factors of well-being and self-control in the total effect. The demographic factors of gender, and income have a significant but low or very low influence in the incremental validity of global TEI. These results are consistent with previous studies, based on other population samples and/or with skills-based tools, opening a path for news interventions in this matter.


Emotional Intelligence; TEIQue-SF; Anxiety; Depression; Stress.

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