Clinical Psychology of Aging: the Italian Manifesto

Ilaria Chirico, Maria Casagrande, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Davide Maria Cammisuli, Anna Maria Della Vedova, Elisa Di Rosa, Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Mario Fulcheri, Antonella Granieri, Giovanni Ottoboni, Anna Pecchinenda, Luciano Peirone, Donatella Petretto, Maria Quattropani, Alberto Sardella, Rabih Chattat


In the context of Italian aging population, clinical psychology can play a crucial role in enabling older adults to cope with the multiple challenges associated with the aging process and disease-related issues. This manifesto was  written by the 'Clinical Psychology of Aging' working group, which is part of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) consisting of academic experts in this field  who collaborated to elaborate the contents highlighting the most relevant dimensions of the clinical psychology of aging. Specifically, the aging process was addressed from multiple points of view (i.e., theoretical perspectives, multidimensional assessment, interventions), and the role of the clinical psychologists in the National Health System along with training issues were discussed in the attempt to specify  the unique contribution  of the clinical psychology in aging.               


Aging; Clinical psychology; Assessment; Intervention; Training

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