BRCA genetic result disclosure for women with Breast Cancer: influence of +/- predisposition genetic mutation

Jessica Ranieri, Federica Guerra, Eleonora Cilli, Francesco Brancati, Dina Di Giacomo


Background: Albeit the genetic testing/counseling is increasing progressively in oncological clinical practice, psychological impact of BRCA genetic testing has been an under-researched area in oncological population; few studies have examined a wide range of possible predictive individual factors for psychological adaptation after genetic testing for hereditary cancer. Aim of the study was to examine the implication of clinical psychological in BRCA genetic result post-disclosure dealing with the emotional health of patients undergoing genetic testing depending to the personal resources.

Methods: Participants were composed of n = 32 female patients in range age 30 - 55 years, who have a BC diagnosis and who underwent BRCA mutation testing. Psychological battery was applied after genetic testing.

Results: Our finding highlighted the psychological influence of genetic testing on wellbeing of BC patients, and more drawing clinical perspective for positive/negative disclosure regarding the predictors for psychological distress.

Conclusion: Genetic testing needs to be integrated by psychological counseling to manage better the impact of result disclosure (whatever the outcome is) in order to manage better the physical and mental health of patients into efficient personalized medicine toward to the improvement of patient compliance and adherence into well-being perspective and Quality of Life maintaining. Sample size and lack of longitudinal data could be limits of the study.


BRCA+/-; Psychological distress; Personality traits; Genetic testing; Psychological counseling; Breast cancer; Oncological clinical practice; Personalized medicine; Clinical psychology.

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