Content validity of the Virtual Neurocognitive Tracking Test for child population
Objective: This research aims to validate the content of the Screening Test (PRANI) for children, focusing on the development of cognitive tests tailored to the Spanish-speaking population in Latin America.
Method: In this non-experimental, instrumental study, the psychometric properties of a new cognitive test were analyzed, focusing on theoretical validation rather than direct child population application. A panel of nine Child Neuropsychology experts assessed 149 items of a virtual neuropsychological test across five cognitive processes. They used a Likert-type scale for evaluation, focusing on criteria like relevance and writing quality. Content validity was established using the Aiken V coefficient and confidence intervals, emphasizing expert consensus in test development and refinement.
Results: The study resulted in the consolidation of an instrument, reducing the test length from 149 to 119 items by eliminating 30 elements. Significant variations were observed between the initial version of the instrument and the refined version after the expert ratings analysis, which evaluated cognitive processes such as attention, memory, language, visuoconstructive skills, executive functions, and academic skills. A comprehensive assessment of the instrument's content validity was obtained before and after the judges' analysis. Notably, the initial mean values of the Aiken V coefficients were high, both globally and by process and component.
Conclusions: This study highlights the importance and efficacy of developing culturally adapted cognitive assessment tools for children in Latin America, particularly in the Colombian child population. The findings emphasize the necessity for specific cognitive tests for this demographic, providing a reliable and validated framework for their implementation.
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