Intuitive Nutrition Co-factor of Emotional Equilibrium for Maintaining Nutritional Balance: A Prospective Study
Background and objectives: Intuitive nutrition represents a disputed topic when subjects about weight loss and diets are approached worldwide. The current study aims to emphasize the causal relationship between emotional status and intuitive eating, starting from the hypothesis that a nutritional imbalance can be determined by an emotional imbalance.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study included 73 subjects, aged between 18-70, with a sex ratio of 21:52 male to female and it was designed to use digital methods to collect data from the sample of subjects through online questionnaires, collection software and automatic statistical analysis of data. The collected data was analysed in parallel using the Minitab software and Office Excel.
Results: Data processing confirmed the working hypothesis, namely that emotional status influences the way of eating and intuitive eating can contribute to maintaining emotional balance. Also, the statistical analysis show Mean=24.33, SD= 14.46, a Median of 17 and a level of Confidence of 35.94%.
Conclusions: Intuitive nutrition can be a helpful factor in maintaining emotional balance directly related to nutrition. Disturbance of emotional balance facilitates the adoption of a way of nutrition that can be classified under the category of eating disorders, attracting a procession of somatic and psychological consequences.
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