Considerations on the Fundamental Relationship between Clinical Psychology and Epistemology

Emanuele Maria Merlo


Clinical psychology is a scientific discipline whose origins are complex and multidisciplinary (Benjamin, 2005; Brems et al., 1991; Merlo, 2023; Watson, 1953). As this field continues to evolve, multidisciplinary work is becoming of increasing importance. Multidisciplinary work is a difficult task, requiring a range of knowledge of different areas that then converge in clinical practice. The combination of sectors entails sometimes reconciling distant concepts in a unifying framework. Given this evolving integration with other fields, it is important to consider the manner in which epistemological diversity will affect clinical psychology (Dwyer et al., 2015; Hoffman& Deffenbacher, 2014).


Epistemology; Clinical Psychology; Multidisciplinarity; Scientific Progress.

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