The Mediating Role of Purpose in Life in the Relationship between Hopelessness, Depression, and Suicide Risk

Anyerson Stiths Gómez-Tabares, Jorge Emiro Restrepo, Natalia Hincapié Aguirre, Alejandra González- Pérez


Introduction: depression is a proximal factor associated with suicide risk. However, depression alone does not imply a risk of suicidal behavior. Various studies have demonstrated the significant role of hopelessness in contributing to suicidal behavior. Nonetheless, the probability of engaging in suicidal behavior can also be diminished in the presence of other factors known as protective, as purpose of life.

Aim: to analyze the interactions among depression, hopelessness, and purpose in life, and their impact on suicidal risk in a young population. The hypotheses were: 1) suicide risk is directly correlated with depression and hopelessness and inversely correlated with purpose in life, and 2) purpose in life mediates the effect of hopelessness and depression in explaining suicide risk.

Method: a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was conducted. Through non-probabilistic convenience sampling, 340 university students were recruited from two main cities in Colombia. The Plutchik Suicide Risk Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, and Purpose in Life Test were used.

Results: a high prevalence of suicidal risk was identified. The group at risk of suicide exhibited higher scores in depression and hopelessness and lower scores in life purpose compared to the non-risk group. Moderate and strong correlations were observed among the variables. Path diagrams constructed using structural equation modeling revealed that purpose in life reduces the effect of hopelessness and depression on suicidal risk.

Discussion: The importance of purpose in life as a resilience factor against suicidal risk is emphasized. Purpose in life plays a pivotal role in reducing suicidal risk as it cultivates a positive orientation towards the future, amplifies motivation for action, reshapes the perception of challenges, counteracts learned helplessness, and bolsters resilience. These findings corroborate contemporary theories concerning the interplay among purpose in life, hopelessness, depression, and suicidal risk. A purpose-centered intervention program can reduce suicide risk among university students. It helps students reflect on their values, goals, and aspirations, and teaches them skills to cope with stress and overcome challenges, thereby increasing their capacity for adaptation.


Suicidal risk; Depression; Hopelessness; Purpose in life; Mental health; College students.

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