Effect of cognitive training on executive functions and anxiety in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review

Maria Alexandra Cardona Tangarife, Daniel Alfredo Landínez Martínez


Introduction: Previous studies have reported changes in executive functions (working memory, inhibition, cognitive flexibility) and mood (anxiety and depression) in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Different tools have shown to improve cognitive performance in this population, and computerized cognitive training is one of the most studied strategies. However, there is no consensus about near-transfer or far-transfer effects. Therefore, a systematic review is relevant for determining the effects of cognitive training on executive functions and mood. Aim: This systematic review aims to identify the effect of cognitive training on executive functions and anxiety in patients with MCI.

Methods: For the systematic search, the following search equation was used: “mild cognitive impairment” AND “executive functioning” AND “cognitive training” AND “anxiety”. We retrieved a total of 525 papers, but only 37 of them met the inclusion criteria. Articles published between January 2003 and February 2023 were included.

Results: The results revealed two research trends: (a) the effect of computerized cognitive training and virtual reality on executive functions and anxiety in people with MCI and (b) the effect of emerging intervention strategies on executive functions and anxiety in people with MCI. The effect of cognitive training on inhibitory control, working memory, reasoning, and attention was found to be predominant, even when it is not significant on all these variables. Studies on the effect of cognitive training on anxiety are still limited in number.

Conclusion: Conducting longitudinal studies is necessary to understand the effect and underlying mechanisms of cognitive training.


Anxiety; Cognitive training; Executive functioning; Mild cognitive impairment.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.13129/2282-1619/mjcp-4092


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