The Aesthetic Relational Knowing of the therapist: factorial validation of the ARK-T scale adapted for the therapeutic situation
Background and aims: The factorial validation study of a scale describing the therapist's intuitive knowing from a phenomenological, aesthetic, and field-oriented perspective, such as that of Gestalt therapy, is presented. The way in which the therapists use their senses to understand the patient's current experience, through embodied empathy and resonance, is termed Aesthetic Relational Knowing, and a special scale (ARK), described in its broader valence in a previous study, was constructed to assess it. The ARK-T version, validated in this study, is referred to the specific therapeutic situation, assessing the therapist's intuitive ability towards the patient, in the “here and now” of the session.
Methods: A sample composed of 209 psychotherapists (51 men, 157 women, 1 stated "other") aged 25-80 years old, 199 psychology graduates, 10 medical doctors, working in different regions of Italy, all holding a specialization in psychotherapy of different theoretical approaches, filled in the 46 items hypothesized for the composition of the ARK-T scale.
An Exploratory Factor Analysis was carried out preliminarily on the intercorrelation matrix of the items, then subsequently a Confirmatory Analysis was performed according to the Lisrel model. Item analysis was also performed and Cronbach's alpha was calculated for reliability analysis of the global score and of the factors included in the final version of the scale.
Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses allowed the selection of 21 items that make up the final version of the ARK-T Scale. The main factors validated in previous studies (Body awareness, Resonance, and Empathy), operationalized in the therapeutic situation, were redefined into: Body Awareness, Intuitive Resonance, and Affective Empathy. The reliability of the scale is good for both total score (alpha=0.841) and factorial subscales.
Conclusions: By enabling the assessment of body process awareness and aesthetic-relational skills in therapy, the ARK-T scale has significant implications for the training and supervision of psychotherapists, as well as for research on the therapeutic change process.
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