Learning disabilities and social problem solving skills

Pina Filippello, Flavia Marino, Laura Spadaro, Luana Sorrenti


Recent studies showed that children with learning disabilities present significant difficulties in learning as well as in social skills (Siperstein, 2009).Therefore, it was observed how it is difficult for these children to establish adequate relationships, especially to advise coping strategies to face interpersonal conflicts (Oliva & LaGreca, 1988). Accordingly to this argument and with reference to Agaliotis e Kalyva (2004, 2009), this study examines the preferences for strategies to solve an hypothetical conflict on a sample of children with LD in comparison to typical developing peers. They used the method of social story to conduct this research. In fact, researchers asked to the children, after they have listened a short story describing an interpersonal conflict interaction between adult and peers,  which strategies they would have chosen if they were in the same situation and the strategies that would be most appropriate to resolve a conflict. Results obtained from the experiment corroborated literature data and demonstrated that children with LD, in comparison to typical developing peers, use and prefer dysfunctional coping strategies, aggressive or passive, also in relation to the partner interaction (adult or peers) to face interpersonal conflict.


Learning disabilities, Social skills, Interpersonal conflict resolution, Social story

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/2282-1619/2013.2.911


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