Metacognition and negative emotions in clinical practice. A preliminary study with patients with bowel disorder

Vittorio Lenzo, Teresa Buccheri, Carmela Sindorio, Alessandra Belvedere, Walter Fries, Maria Catena Quattropani


In the past few years psychological characteristics in patients with organic bowel disorder have been poorly considered. However recent studies underline that psychological features increase gastrointestinal symptoms. The aim of this study is to investigate metacognition and emotions in patients with organic bowel disorder and functional bowel disorder. 33 outpatients with organic diagnosis and 28 outpatients with functional diagnosis were assessed with MCQ-30, ANPS and Brief-Cope; moreover stress was evaluated in all outpatients.  

Results revealed that two groups show the same psychological disturbances and there are no differences between organic patients and functional patients. Statistical analysis indicated significant relations between dysfunctional metacognitive beliefs and negative emotions. Specifically, Beliefs of Uncontrollability and Danger (UD) are significantly related to Fear, Anger and Sadness. Moreover Fear and Anger are significantly related to stress; dysfunctional metacognitive beliefs are related to coping strategies. Beliefs of UD are related to Using Emotional Support; Positive Beliefs (PB) are related to Planning, while Cognitive Confidence (CC) is related to Self-Blame. Unexpectedly results are higher in patients with organic diagnosis. Our results suggest to reconsider psychological influences in patients with organic diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease. 


Metacognition; Inflammatory bowel diseases; Functional gastrointestinal disorders; Emotions; Coping; 


Metacognition; Inflammatory bowel diseases; Functional gastrointestinal disorders; Emotions; Coping; Introduction

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