Multimethod and Interpersonal Assessment in Medical Settings: A Case Study from the Dermatology Unit

Chiara Vari, Patrizia Velotti, Giulio Cesare Zavattini, Antonio G. Richetta, Stefano Calvieri


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with multifactorial aetiology. The psychological impact of skin diseases is increasingly recognised, but only scant attention has been given to the possible role of couple relationships as protective factors for dermatology patients. This article presents a multimethod assessment conducted along with physical examination at a Dermatology Unit. Specifically, the assessment includes measures of emotion regulation and attachment. The first aim of the article is to support an integrated assessment of dermatological and psychological factors together. The second aim is to highlight the possible role of couple relationships in the management of skin diseases.


Attachment; Emotion regulation; Couple relationships; Psoriasis; Psychosomatic medicine

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