Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology

The MJCP is an Open Access Peer-Reviewed International Journal in Clinical Psychology. 

MJCP was founded in 2013 by Professor Salvatore Settineri at the University of Messina, Italy, to report research dedicated to innovative and important areas of Clinical Psychology:

1. Clinical studies related to Clinical psychology
2. Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
3. Basic studies pertaining to clinical psychology field as experimental psychology, psychoneuroendocrinology and psychoanalysis;
4. Growing application of clinical techniques in clinical psychology, health psychology, clinical approaches in projective methods;
5. Forensic Psychology in clinical research
6. Psychology of Art
7. Advanced in basic and clinical research methodology including qualitative  and quantitative research and new research findings.

The Editor in chief will accept papers of high scientific caliber.


Emerging Sources
Citation Index
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MJCP - Official Submission and Review Forms


Dear Authors and Readers, dear Members of the Editorial Board,

We are pleased to announce some implementations referred to procedural processes, strictly linked to submission and peer review process.

Starting from January 1st 2022, review and submission forms will be highly recommended.

In particular, with reference to submission we provided a standard word file form, facilitating the inclusion of all required information. The official submission form is now available at this link.

Concerning review process, the official review form is now available at this link.

Information regarding the use of standard forms is now included both in Authors’ and Reviewers’ guidelines.

With the aim of facilitating Authors and Reviewers, we seize the opportunity to wish all of our Authors and Readers a peaceful new year and to thank you for the commitment of supporting MJCP.


Best regards and wishes


The Editor in Chief

Emanuele Maria Merlo

Posted: 2022-01-14
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