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Landinez, Daniel Alfredo, Health Science Faculty, School of Medicine, University of Manizales, Manizales (Colombia)
Landinez, Daniel Alfredo, <p>Luis Amigó Catholic University, Manizales</p> <p>University of Manizales Medical School, Manizales</p> (Colombia)
Landínez Martínez, Daniel Alfredo, Health Science Faculty, School of Medicine, University of Manizales, Manizales (Colombia)
Landinez Martínez, Daniel Alfredo, School of Medicine, University of Manizales, Manizales, (Colombia)
Landínez Martínez, Daniel Alfredo, <p>Psychology Department, Luis Amigo Catholic University, Medellin; Health Science Faculty, School of Medicine, University of Manizales, Manizales</p> (Colombia)
Landinez Martínez, Daniel Alfredo, Health Science Faculty, School of Medicine, University of Manizales, Manizales (Colombia)
Landinez Martinez, Daniel Alfredo, <p>Psychology Department, Luis Amigó Catholic University;</p> <p>Faculty of Medicine, University of Manizales</p> (Colombia)
Landinez-Martínez, Daniel Alfredo, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín; Universidad de Manizales, Manizales (Colombia)
Langher, Viviana, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University Hospital of Messina (Italy)
Langher, Viviana, Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, University of Rome, "Sapienza" (Italy)
Langher, Viviana (Italy)
Langher, Viviana, Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology and Health Studies, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Langher, Viviana, Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, University of Rome “Sapienza” (Italy) (Italy)
Lanza, Giulia, Department of Neurosciences, University of Messina (Italy)
Larcan, Rosalba
Lasco, Carmen, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University Hospital of Messina (Italy)
Lasco, Carmen, University of Messina (Italy)
Lasco, Carmen, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina (Italy)
Latipun, Latipun, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Lauriola, Marco, Department of Developmental and Socialization Psychology, SapienzaUniversity of Rome,Italy
Lauro Grotto, Rosapia, Department of Health Sciences, University of Florence (Italy)
Lauro Grotto, Rosapia, Department of Health Sciences, Psychology and Psychiatry Unit, University of Florence, Florence (Italy)
Lauro Grotto, Rosapia, Department of Health Sciences, Psychology and Psychiatry Unit, University of Florence, Florence, Italy (Italy)
Lausi, Giulia, Department of Psychology; Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
Lausi, Giulia, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

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