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Lausi, Giulia, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome (Italy)
Lazzarino, Eleonora, <p>Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan</p> (Italy)
Le Donne, Maria, Department of Pediatrics, Gynecology, Microbiological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Messina
Lebre, Paula, Department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Human Kinetics, Lisbon University, Lisbon; INET-MD, Faculty of Human Kinetics, Lisbon University, Lisbon (Portugal)
Lembo, Giuseppe, Port System Authority of the Strait of Messina (Italy)
Lemmo, Daniela, Department of Humanistic Studies, university of Federico II, Naples (Italy)
Lemmo, Daniela, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Lentini, Rosa Maria (Italy)
Lenzo, Vittorio, Department of Cognitive, Psychological, Pedagogical Science and Cultural Studies, University of Messina (Italy)
Lenzo, Vittorio, University of Messina (Italy)
Lenzo, Vittorio, Department of Human and Social Sciences-Psychology Division, University of Messina (Italy)
Lenzo, Vittorio, Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Messina (Italy)
Lenzo, Vittorio, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Education and Cultural Studies, University of Messina (Italy)
Leonardi, Valentina, University of Messina
Lesnaya, Nadezhda, Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Kursk State Medical University, 3 K.Marх Str., Kursk, 305041 (Russian Federation)
Lesnaya, Olesya, Department of General Medical Practice, Institute of Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 10 Miklukho-Maklay Str., Moscow, 117198 (Russian Federation)
Leth-Steensen, Craig, Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada)
Lia, Loredana, Department of Mental Health–Pathological Addictions, Local Health Unit of Bologna (Italy)
Liaqat, Hira, Centre for Clinical Psychology, University of the Punjab (Pakistan)
Liga, Francesca, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina (Italy)
Limoncin, Erika, <p>Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology and Health Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome</p> (Italy)
Liotta, Marco (Italy)
Liotta, Marco, Uniiversity of Messina, Department of human and social sciences (Italy)
Liotta, Marco, Department of Human Social Sciences, University of Messina (Italy)
Liotta, Marta, U.O. Allergology and Clinical Immunology, University Hospital of Messina, Messina (Italy)

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