
Issue Title
Vol 10, No 1 (2022) The 26-item version of the Kenny-Music Performance Anxiety Inventory: Italian validation and analysis of its psychometric properties Abstract  PDF
Paolo Mancin, Silvia Cerea, Andrea Spoto, Alessandra Gervasi, Marta Ghisi
Vol 12, No 2 (2024) Effect of cognitive training on executive functions and anxiety in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review Abstract  PDF
Maria Alexandra Cardona Tangarife, Daniel Alfredo Landínez Martínez
Vol 10, No 1 (2022) The associations between loneliness, anxiety, and problematic gaming behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of mentalization Abstract  PDF
Maria Ciccarelli, Giovanna Nigro, Francesca D'Olimpio, Mark D. Griffiths, Mariagiulia Sacco, Barbara Pizzini, Marina Cosenza
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