Kernel- and CPU-Level Architectures for Computing and A\V Post-Production Environments

Walter Arrighetti


High-Performance Computing has been improving for the last decades through more parallelism and high-level machine instructions. Multimedia applications for Audio\Video post-production also rely on fast algebraic data manipulation, which is though not fully supported at CPU and OS kernel levels yet. After a brief review on current hardware and software implementations, several steering proposals towards future architectures for both HPC and A\V post-production environments, as well as OS human interfaces is sketched here.

[DOI: 10.1685/CSC09267] About DOI


High-Performance Computing; HPC; ISA; SSE; AVX; parallel architecture; mathKernel; Digital Intermediate; DI; A/V post-production; HDRI; grading; compositing; GUI; human interface; userspace; pipe

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