Numerical Integration Schemes for Hypersingular Integrals on the Real Line
Modelling unbounded domains is an important issue in engineering. During these last years,
elliptic boundary value problems on a half-plane, reformulated in terms of boundary integral
equations on the real line, have been investigated. Here, using the fundamental solutions
for a full-space, we consider hypersingular integral equations arising from Neumann 2D elliptic
problems defined over unbounded domains with unbounded boundaries and we use a suitable
Petrov-Galerkin infinite BEM approach as discretization technique. Numerical quadrature
schemes are proposed to compute the involved integrals. Several results on half-planes
and infinite strips are presented.
[DOI: 10.1685/CSC06003] About DOI
elliptic boundary value problems on a half-plane, reformulated in terms of boundary integral
equations on the real line, have been investigated. Here, using the fundamental solutions
for a full-space, we consider hypersingular integral equations arising from Neumann 2D elliptic
problems defined over unbounded domains with unbounded boundaries and we use a suitable
Petrov-Galerkin infinite BEM approach as discretization technique. Numerical quadrature
schemes are proposed to compute the involved integrals. Several results on half-planes
and infinite strips are presented.
[DOI: 10.1685/CSC06003] About DOI
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