A Marching in Space and Time Approach for the Solution of Shallow Water Equations
A new numerical method, that is shown to be unconditionally stable with respect to the size of the Courant number and of the source terms, is proposed for the solution of the complete 2D De Saint Venant (DSV) equations. The system of the governing PDEs is solved using a fractional time step approach. The prediction step is computed using a marching in Space and Time (MAST) methodology, where the convective fluxes are solved using an Eulerian approach and the computational cells are required to be ordered and solved according to a scalar potential value. Results of 1D and 2D tests are shown and compared with experimental data and analytical solutions.
[DOI: 10.1685 / CSC06149] About DOI
[DOI: 10.1685 / CSC06149] About DOI
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