Characters and consequences of the evolution of tourism in Malta

Stefano Crisafulli


The tourist phenomenon.

One of the most important aspects that has recently been at the center of thegeographical debate is the development of tourism1, since it has had a series of repercussions on a social, economic2, political and territorial level.
This process3 has manifested itself in different ways, since man has shown
different interests over time; moreover it has been favored by the evolution of the means of transport that have allowed the progressive widening of horizons; the affirmation of an organization of tourist activity has also been significant, with the creation of specific reference figures such as tour operators.
The current different types of tourism reflect the many interests of
contemporary man such as cultural tourism, food and wine tourism, experience tourism, religious tourism, seaside tourism that today make the tourist organization much more complex than in the past.

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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