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Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali
An open-access multidisciplinary science journal
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology
The MJCP is an Open Access Peer-Reviewed International Journal in Clinical Psychology.
ISSN: 2282-1619
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Medico-Biologiche
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary
Im@go is an international journal for interdisciplinary research on the Social Imaginary. Double-blind refereed and indexed by the main international databases, it publishes theoretical, descriptive and applied studies on the Social Imaginary pertaining to a wide range of fields of knowledge. The aim of the journal is to bring together scholars, practitioners and young researchers working in different field and disciplines with a view to developing an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach to the Social Imaginary. Im@go encourages critical debates on these and other relevant issues spanning not only the theoretical and methodological dimensions of the Social Imaginary but also their practical and socially relevant outcomes.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quaderni di Intercultura
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Studi giraldiani. Letteratura e teatro
The journal aims to promote and coordinate scholarly research on the Ferrarese humanist Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinthio (1504-1573), his historical and cultural context, and his reception in Italy and Europe. In addition to being web based, the journal will be international and interdisciplinary, so as to investigate, taking Giraldi's experience as start point, a broader framework including matters related to literary genres, comic and tragic theatre, the querelle des anciennes et des modernes, the relationships between falsehood and truthfulness, text and spectacle, content and shape, furor and rules, pedagogy and hedonism, tradition and invention.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mantichora. Italian Journal of Performance Studies
«There is an animal found, which he calls the mantichora; it has a triple row of teeth, which fit into each other like those of a comb, the face and ears of a man, and azure eyes, is of the colour of blood, has the body of the lion, and a tail ending in a sting, like that of the scorpion. Its voice resembles the union of the sound of the flute and the trumpet; it is of excessive swiftness, and is particularly fond of human flesh». Thus Borges announces, quoting Pliny, in the Book of Imaginary Beings.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Classica Vox
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gli Argonauti. Rivista di Studi storico-educativi e pedagogici
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preliminary Reports and Negative Results in Life Science and Humanities
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Addiction & Social Media Communication
ASCM is a scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed research articles on behavioral addictions, behavioral risk on the net, online communication and on social platforms, bringing together research, theories and methods of investigation, involving the psychological and sociological fields.
Its goal is to implement international scientific and clinical communication, following a model of interdisciplinary dialogue and comparison, to strengthen the links between clinical psychology and the new online frontiers of the sociology of communication that are connected to technological social changes, lifestyle and techno-mediated relational dynamics both in developmental and adult age and to stimulate the quality of the international debate in the light of neuroscientific research. The journal accepts original contributions, both theoretical and empirical research.
The field of technological addictions and communicative behaviors on social networks and platforms can be implemented by neuroscientific studies on mental functioning, for this reason, the journal embraces human experimental, epidemiological, clinical and social research, in the light of the new techno-mediated changes, aimed at understanding of cognitive processes and prevention in education, new cognitive learning styles and promotion of mental well-being. In addition, the Journal accepts editorials and book reviews.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ethica Theoretica Religio. International Studies in the Philosophy of Religion
The annual journal “Ethica Theoretica Religio. International Studies in the Philosophy of Religion” (ETR) promotes studies in the philosophy of religion and its relations with ethics and metaphysics, with a special focus on interdisciplinary and interreligious dialogue. Our approach is both analytic and continental. We foster a fruitful dialogue on the fundamental issues concerning religious experience and language, in its relations with the Divine, Transcendence, Otherness, nature, and the social context. Today it is necessary to enhance a dialogical and communicative reason, capable of analyzing phenomena by showing their constitutive structure. Indeed, in the contemporary scenario we are confronted with an increasingly problematic polarization of the relationship between immanence and transcendence, between the public and private spheres. The religious sphere is either marginalized or espoused uncritically, thus resulting in intolerant fundamentalism. Therefore, the most pressing issues of our time must be addressed in the light of different insights and perspectives.
Our areas of interest are:
- Philosophy of religion in its broadest definition;
- History of the philosophy of religion;
- Theology;
- Ethics and the great religions;
- Religious studies;
- Philosophical anthropology and religion;
- Metaphysics and religion;
- Public sphere and religion;
- Religious pluralism;
- Religion and science;
- Aesthetics and religion.
Contributions are accepted in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology
The Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology (JCDP) - ISSN: 2612-4033 - is a four-month publication (at minimum: three numbers every year - April - August - December) produced by the Center of Research and Psychological Intervention (CeRIP) of the University of Messina.
It is an international peer-reviewed journal that aims to promote innovative and high quality research that advances understanding of clinical and developmental psychology from different cultural contexts.
It also addresses the social contexts in which psychological and health processes are embedded.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Il Maurolico
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Periodico di filosofia, arti e letteratura
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Lettere, Filosofia e Belle Arti
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Il Pensiero Italiano. Rivista di studi filosofici
Il Pensiero Italiano is a journal devoted to promoting the Italian philosophy beyond any provincialism, which is such in the intransigent over-valuation as much as in the pre-conveived devaluation. It aims to bring out the needs and ways peculiar to the Italian thinking tradition, and to enhance its international profile, in order not only to examine its theoretical and historiographical feature, but also to intercept, and eventually arouse, the interest of foreign scholars toward our philosophy.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Giuridiche, Economiche e Politiche
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communications to SIMAI Congress
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM) is one of the official journals of the Italian Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI). The journal focuses on the applications of mathematics to the solution of problems in industry, technology, environment, cultural heritage, and natural sciences, with a special emphasis on new and interesting mathematical ideas relevant to these fields of application.
Providing immediate open access to original, unpublished high quality contributions, CAIM is devoted to timely report on ongoing original research work, new interdisciplinary subjects, and new developments.
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