Per un’etica pedagogica del virtuale nel mondo globalizzato
Nonostante i grandi progressi prodotti in tutti gli ambiti dalla rivoluzione digitale, le persone sono esposte a nuovi e più subdoli rischi che la pedagogia deve saper identificare. In particolare, il nuovo processo di costruzione mediatica del reale, potenziato dalla diffusa rete telematica, coinvolge ormai ovunque sia le giovani generazioni, sprovviste dei criteri di discernimento e dei filtri necessari per interpretarlo, sia il mondo degli adulti, spesso ancora impreparato ad affrontare le problematiche ad esso connesse. Soprattutto il grande business dell’informazione che si fa spettacolo (infotainment) è diventato un mercato sempre più strutturato su logiche ed interessi economici che di fatto manipola i desideri ed inocula falsi bisogni.
In spite of the great progress the digital revolution has produced in many areas, individuals are increasingly exposed to new and subtle risks that the pedagogy must be able to identify and address. Specifically, in this new process of the media of constructing reality, enhanced by the widespread use of the Internet, young people are primarily involved on a global scale. On one hand, this slice of the world’s population, while being the most technologically savvy often lacks solid criteria for discernment and the filters necessary for interpretation, and the adult world, on the other, still often finds itself unprepared to face the related issues. The big business that makes of information also entertainment (infotainment) has become increasingly structured and based on economic interests and market strategies that actually manipulate the desires of the public, often inculcating false needs.
In spite of the great progress the digital revolution has produced in many areas, individuals are increasingly exposed to new and subtle risks that the pedagogy must be able to identify and address. Specifically, in this new process of the media of constructing reality, enhanced by the widespread use of the Internet, young people are primarily involved on a global scale. On one hand, this slice of the world’s population, while being the most technologically savvy often lacks solid criteria for discernment and the filters necessary for interpretation, and the adult world, on the other, still often finds itself unprepared to face the related issues. The big business that makes of information also entertainment (infotainment) has become increasingly structured and based on economic interests and market strategies that actually manipulate the desires of the public, often inculcating false needs.
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