Il cartone animato rispecchia la visione del mondo, i valori, le regole della cultura di chi li produce, proprio perché risente del background culturale, sociale e religioso del suo animatore. Mettendo a confronto le filosofie delle tre grandi produzioni seriali di cartoni animati – Walt Disney, anti-disneyani e Sol Levante – emergono tre modi differenti di intendere la vita, oltre che tre diversi stili di animazione. Il cartone animato è per sua natura un prodotto artistico specifico di una cultura, ma è altresì un prodotto interculturale che non conosce confini di spazio né limiti di tempo. Il mondo dei cartoni ha infatti la straordinaria capacità di favorire l’incontro tra Oriente e Occidente e il confronto e il dialogo tra culture molto distanti tra loro.
Cartoon reflects world view, values and customs of the cartoon maker’s culture as it conveys cultural, social and religious background of the producer himself. Comparing the way of thinking of the three most important cartoon makers - Walt Disney, anti-disney and Sol Levante – appear three different ways of looking at life, as well as three different animation styles. Cartoon is, because of its own nature, an artistic product typical of a culture, but at the same time, it is an international product with no space boundaries or time limits. In fact cartoon’s world can facilitate considerably the possibility of contacts between the peoples to the East and West and more, it can facilitate a comparison and a dialogue between cultures so far apart.
Cartoon reflects world view, values and customs of the cartoon maker’s culture as it conveys cultural, social and religious background of the producer himself. Comparing the way of thinking of the three most important cartoon makers - Walt Disney, anti-disney and Sol Levante – appear three different ways of looking at life, as well as three different animation styles. Cartoon is, because of its own nature, an artistic product typical of a culture, but at the same time, it is an international product with no space boundaries or time limits. In fact cartoon’s world can facilitate considerably the possibility of contacts between the peoples to the East and West and more, it can facilitate a comparison and a dialogue between cultures so far apart.
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