Il contributo propone un’analisi del tema dell’alterità a partire da una esperienza concreta di Philosophy for Children. Si sofferma in particolare sul rapporto tra infanzia e filosofia e mette in evidenza, alla luce della pratica filosofica, come proprio l’infanzia diventi, per la prospettiva filosofica e per quella educativa, la sede privilegiata dell’incontro con l’altro.
The essay proposes an analysis of the theme of otherness starting from a concrete experience of Philosophy for Children. It focuses on the relationship between childhood and philosophy and highlights, in the light of philosophical practice, how childhood itself becomes the favourite place of the encounter with the other from both a philosophical and educational perspective.
The essay proposes an analysis of the theme of otherness starting from a concrete experience of Philosophy for Children. It focuses on the relationship between childhood and philosophy and highlights, in the light of philosophical practice, how childhood itself becomes the favourite place of the encounter with the other from both a philosophical and educational perspective.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/103271/