Dopo aver analizzato come la mobilità planetaria e la virtualità abbiano di fatto contribuito a modificare le configurazioni e gli equilibri familiari, l’articolo mostra come nella realtà “postfamiliare”, prodotta dalla rivoluzione digitale, si stiano costruendo nuove relazioni intrafamiliari caratterizzate talvolta da nuove solitudini e contraddittorie interpretazioni della paritarietà. Soffermandosi sugli effetti ambivalenti delle relazioni webmediate, evidenzia gli aspetti più controversi ed educativamente interessanti della cybersocialità che rimandano sempre ad un bisogno di intimità e di relazionalità insito nella vita di ogni essere umano.
The global mobility and virtuality have in fact helped to change configurations and family balances. This article considers how in the “postfamiliar” reality, produced by the digital revolution, we are building new relationships within the family sometimes characterized by new solitudes and contradictory interpretations of the parity. Focusing on the ambivalent effects of the web-mediated relationships, it highlights the most controversial aspects and educationally interesting of the cybersociality that always refer to a need of intimacy and relationship inherent and intrinsic in the life of every human being.
The global mobility and virtuality have in fact helped to change configurations and family balances. This article considers how in the “postfamiliar” reality, produced by the digital revolution, we are building new relationships within the family sometimes characterized by new solitudes and contradictory interpretations of the parity. Focusing on the ambivalent effects of the web-mediated relationships, it highlights the most controversial aspects and educationally interesting of the cybersociality that always refer to a need of intimacy and relationship inherent and intrinsic in the life of every human being.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/103271/