Lei può morire e tutto questo andrebbe perduto. Maria Montessori alla Montesca
Nel 1909, dopo aver visitato la Casa dei Bambini nel quartiere di San Lorenzo a Roma, i Baroni Franchetti colpiti dal lavoro e dall’approccio di Maria Montessori la invitarono a trascorrere un breve periodo presso la Montesca per formare le maestre delle scuole rurali sul nuovo Metodo. Fu proprio durante la sua permanenza a Villa Montesca che Montessori diede gli ultimi ritocchi al proprio Metodo della pedagogia scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini che venne pubblicato nel 1909 a Città di Castello e dedicato ai Baroni Franchetti.
In 1909, after visited the “Casa dei Bambini” located in the district of San Lorenzo in Rome, the Baron and the Baroness Franchetti were highly impressed by work and by new approach of Maria Montessori and invited her to spend a short time at Villa Montesca to train the teachers of the rural schools on this new Method. During her stay at Villa Montesca Montessori gave the final touches to her Method of scientific pedagogy applied to the education of children in the “Casa dei Bambini”. Her papers were published in 1909 in Città di Castello and were dedicated to Baron and Baroness Franchetti.
In 1909, after visited the “Casa dei Bambini” located in the district of San Lorenzo in Rome, the Baron and the Baroness Franchetti were highly impressed by work and by new approach of Maria Montessori and invited her to spend a short time at Villa Montesca to train the teachers of the rural schools on this new Method. During her stay at Villa Montesca Montessori gave the final touches to her Method of scientific pedagogy applied to the education of children in the “Casa dei Bambini”. Her papers were published in 1909 in Città di Castello and were dedicated to Baron and Baroness Franchetti.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/103271/