Comunicare con i bambini per promuovere la loro crescita. La prospettiva intersoggettiva ed embodied
L'articolo tratta della specificità della relazione adulto-bambino piccolo, soffermandosi sulla prospettiva intersoggettiva alla seconda persona e facendo riferimento alle ultime ricerche neuroscientifiche che confermano il ruolo fondamentale della comunicazione psico-corporea nell'apprendimento e nello sviluppo infantile e l’importanza delle emozioni e degli affetti. Riflette quindi sulla specificità dei percorsi formativi per gli educatori per l’infanzia che, in una tale prospettiva, dovrebbero intrecciare il piano personale e quello professionale centrandosi sull’esperienza e sulla riflessione e l’autoriflessione. In questo senso particolarmente efficaci si rivelano i linguaggi artistico espressivi e, in particolare, quelli che utilizzano il corpo e l’osservazione della dimensione non verbale.
The article deals with the specificity of the adult- baby child relationship, focusing on the intersubjective perspective (the second person one) and referring to the neuroscientific research that confirms the crucial role of psycho-bodily communication and the importance of emotions and affects in the infant learning and development. In such a perspective, the article reflects on the childhood educators training, that have to intertwine the personal and the professional level and center on experience and on the reflection and the self-reflection. According to this, artistic languages are particularly effective, especially those using the body and the observation of the non-verbal dimension.
The article deals with the specificity of the adult- baby child relationship, focusing on the intersubjective perspective (the second person one) and referring to the neuroscientific research that confirms the crucial role of psycho-bodily communication and the importance of emotions and affects in the infant learning and development. In such a perspective, the article reflects on the childhood educators training, that have to intertwine the personal and the professional level and center on experience and on the reflection and the self-reflection. According to this, artistic languages are particularly effective, especially those using the body and the observation of the non-verbal dimension.
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