Nel piano per la formazione dei docenti per il triennio (2016-2019), il MIUR indica come priorità la formazione alla Didattica per competenze. Ma al fondo di questa urgenza sembra esserci un irrisolto quadro di riferimento, che appare più sbilanciato sulle richieste del mercato che su quelle della promozione umana attraverso un competente apprendimento scolastico. A partire dalle indicazioni che vengono date nel punto 4.2. del documento ministeriale, l’articolo svilupperà anzitutto una riflessione critica sulle affermazioni e le ricadute pratiche di una pedagogia-didattica delle competenze e in secondo luogo avanzerà alcune considerazioni relative alle competenze meta-didattiche relative soprattutto alla mentalità di fondo di chi opera nella scuola secondo la didattica per competenze.
In the plan for the training of teachers for the three-year period (2016-2019), MIUR indicates as a priority the training in Didactic competence-based. But at the bottom of this urgency there seems to be an unresolved frame of reference, which appears more unbalanced on market demands than on those of human promotion through competent school learning. Starting from the indications given in point 4.2. of the ministerial document, the article will first develop a critical reflection on the affirmations and practical consequences of a pedagogy-didactic of competences and secondly it will make some considerations related to meta-didactic competences.
In the plan for the training of teachers for the three-year period (2016-2019), MIUR indicates as a priority the training in Didactic competence-based. But at the bottom of this urgency there seems to be an unresolved frame of reference, which appears more unbalanced on market demands than on those of human promotion through competent school learning. Starting from the indications given in point 4.2. of the ministerial document, the article will first develop a critical reflection on the affirmations and practical consequences of a pedagogy-didactic of competences and secondly it will make some considerations related to meta-didactic competences.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/103271/