La drammatica vicenda pandemica che il mondo sta fronteggiando ha rappresentato una rottura nei nostri modi consolidati di vita e imposto un ripensamento radicale delle forme di pensiero ed esistenza. Nel presente contributo, da un lato ci si riferirà ad alcuni spunti del filosofo tedesco dell’educazione Otto Friedrich Bollnow, che si è interrogato più di altri sulla dimensione pedagogica della discontinuità esistenziale e ha esplorato, in chiave educativa, il nesso “crisi e nuovo inizio”; dall’altro, si suggerirà che l'approccio della Philosophy for Children e il suo obiettivo di educare il pensiero complesso attraverso l'indagine filosofica dei significati dell'esperienza possa rappresentare una delle risorse con cui coltivare la nostra capacità di pensare l’essenziale., da scoprire nel travaglio della crisi e nella prospettiva del nuovo inizio.
The dramatic situation, connected with the pandemic experienced worldwide, has represented a breakdown in our ways of life and has imposed a radical reflection on our forms of thinking and existence. In the present paper, drawing upon some tenets of the German philosopher and educationalist Otto Friedrich Bollnow, on the one hand, the theme of a “pedagogy of discontinuity” will be addressed and the question of the bond between “crisis” and “rejuvenation and new beginning” will be explored in an educational key; on the other hand, the approach of Philosophy for Children, as education for complex thinking through a philosophical inquiry of the meanings of experience, will be indicated as one of the resources for the cultivation of a thinking about what is essential, which can be unearthed from within the distress of the present crisis and may be situated on the horizon of a new beginning.
The dramatic situation, connected with the pandemic experienced worldwide, has represented a breakdown in our ways of life and has imposed a radical reflection on our forms of thinking and existence. In the present paper, drawing upon some tenets of the German philosopher and educationalist Otto Friedrich Bollnow, on the one hand, the theme of a “pedagogy of discontinuity” will be addressed and the question of the bond between “crisis” and “rejuvenation and new beginning” will be explored in an educational key; on the other hand, the approach of Philosophy for Children, as education for complex thinking through a philosophical inquiry of the meanings of experience, will be indicated as one of the resources for the cultivation of a thinking about what is essential, which can be unearthed from within the distress of the present crisis and may be situated on the horizon of a new beginning.
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