L'adulto come specchio. Modalità comunicative e apprendimento
Numerose ricerche sull’infanzia condotte a partire dal secolo scorso, hanno mostrato come i bambini, fin dai primi mesi di vita, siano attivi e propositivi nella interazione con gli altri esseri umani. In una prospettiva educativa, di promozione dei processi di apprendimento e di sostegno alla costruzione di una immagine di positiva e fiduciosa nelle proprie potenzialit, sono di grande importanza le modalità comunicative e relazionali degli adulti significativi. A tali modalità fa riferimento nel mio contributo, soffermandomi sul rispecchiamento verbale e non verbale, nelle sue diverse forme, approfondendone le ragioni teoriche e metodologiche e riflettendo su come possa attuarsi una pedagogia dell’infanzia che si centri sull’area prossimale di sviluppo, rispettosa dei tempi e delle specificità di ogni bambino/bambina e che tenga conto del valore della dimensione emotiva ed affettiva.
Since the last century, many researches on childhood showed how children, from their first months, are active and proactive in interacting with other human beings. In an educational perspective, related to promoting learning processes and supporting the construction of a positive self-image, confident in one's potential, are very important care givers’ communication and
relational methods. I will refer to these modalities in my contribution, dwelling on verbal and non-verbal mirroring, in its various forms: I’ll deep the theoretical and methodological reasons
and I will reflect on how childhood pedagogy can be implemented focusing on the proximal area development, respecting times and specificities of each child and taking into account the value
of the emotional and affective dimension.
Since the last century, many researches on childhood showed how children, from their first months, are active and proactive in interacting with other human beings. In an educational perspective, related to promoting learning processes and supporting the construction of a positive self-image, confident in one's potential, are very important care givers’ communication and
relational methods. I will refer to these modalities in my contribution, dwelling on verbal and non-verbal mirroring, in its various forms: I’ll deep the theoretical and methodological reasons
and I will reflect on how childhood pedagogy can be implemented focusing on the proximal area development, respecting times and specificities of each child and taking into account the value
of the emotional and affective dimension.
Full Text
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/103271/