Giovanni Modugno, maestro di vita e di educazione
La pedagogia di Giovanni Modugno è la più politica di quelle elaborate in Italia nella prima metà del Novecento ed è sempre stata coerente ai principi basilari della democrazia. Ma il Modugno fu qualcosa in più. Apostolo instancabile nell’educazione, nella sua commovente fedeltà ai giovani, egli fu uno di quei rari uomini la cui vita è, per così dire, eccedente rispetto a quanto egli affidò di sé alla carta stampata. Di fronte alla “crisi dell’anima contemporanea” e all’urgente necessità di rigenerare l’uomo e rifondare la società, ogni speranza, per il pedagogista pugliese, può essere riposta solo nell’educazione e nell’educatore. Il “nucleo fondamentale” del metodo educativo proposto da Modugno per l’educazione integrale della persona umana e, in particolare, dei suoi giovani allievi, futuri maestri, può essere considerato una felice sintesi tra morale e vita, vita e morale, tra religione e vita, vita e religione.
The pedagogy of Giovanni Modugno is the most political of the ones elaborated in Italy in the first half of 900 and it has always been coherent to the basic principles of democracy. However, Modugno was something more. Tireless apostle in education, in his emotional loyalty to youngs, he was one of those rare men whose life is, in a manner of speaking, ex-ceeding compared to how much he entrusted of himself to the printed paper. In front of the “crisis of the contemporary soul” and of the urgent necessity to regenerate the man and re-establish the society, every hope, for the Apulian pedagogist, can only be placed in the edu-cation and in the educator. The “fundamental core” of the educational method proposed by Modugno for integral education of the human being and, in particular, of his young pupils, future teachers, can be considered an happy synthesis between moral and life, life and mo-ral, between religion and life, life and religion.
The pedagogy of Giovanni Modugno is the most political of the ones elaborated in Italy in the first half of 900 and it has always been coherent to the basic principles of democracy. However, Modugno was something more. Tireless apostle in education, in his emotional loyalty to youngs, he was one of those rare men whose life is, in a manner of speaking, ex-ceeding compared to how much he entrusted of himself to the printed paper. In front of the “crisis of the contemporary soul” and of the urgent necessity to regenerate the man and re-establish the society, every hope, for the Apulian pedagogist, can only be placed in the edu-cation and in the educator. The “fundamental core” of the educational method proposed by Modugno for integral education of the human being and, in particular, of his young pupils, future teachers, can be considered an happy synthesis between moral and life, life and mo-ral, between religion and life, life and religion.
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