Il saggio prende le mosse dalla considerazione che l’identità del sistema giuridico, quale si esprime nei principi fondamentali sanciti nella Carta costituzionale, custodisce una “vocazione relazionale”, cioè un’istanza di apertura nei confronti di ordinamenti esterni, così come della pluralità di soggetti presenti nella sfera politica e sociale. Perciò, l’ordinamento non può che configurarsi come laico, in quanto neutrale rispetto ad ogni fede, ad ogni etica, ad ogni cultura: è questa la condizione per la quale il sistema può porsi in relazione ad ordinamenti esterni e tutti i soggetti che operano nel tessuto civile possono, in condizioni di parità, recare il loro contributo alla gestione della res publica. È in forza del principio di laicità che il sistema, intrecciando identità costituzionale e relazioni con soggetti e livelli ordinamentali esterni, può svilupparsi in coerenza con il paradigma interculturale, che trova la sua “cifra” appunto nell’interazione e nel dialogo tra diversi.
The essay begins with the consideration that the identity of the legal system, as expressed in the fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitutional Charter, preserves a "relational vocation", that is, an instance of openness towards external systems, as well as the plurality of subjects present in the political and social sphere. Therefore, the system can only be configured as secular, as it is neutral with respect to any faith, any ethics, any culture: this is the condition by which the system can place itself in relation to external systems, and all the subjects who operate in the civil framework can, on equal terms, make their contribution to the care of the res publica. It is by virtue of the principle of secularism that the system, by intertwining constitutional identity and relationships with external subjects and regulatory levels, can develop in coherence with the intercultural paradigm, which finds its characteristic precisely in the interaction and dialogue between different subjects.
The essay begins with the consideration that the identity of the legal system, as expressed in the fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitutional Charter, preserves a "relational vocation", that is, an instance of openness towards external systems, as well as the plurality of subjects present in the political and social sphere. Therefore, the system can only be configured as secular, as it is neutral with respect to any faith, any ethics, any culture: this is the condition by which the system can place itself in relation to external systems, and all the subjects who operate in the civil framework can, on equal terms, make their contribution to the care of the res publica. It is by virtue of the principle of secularism that the system, by intertwining constitutional identity and relationships with external subjects and regulatory levels, can develop in coherence with the intercultural paradigm, which finds its characteristic precisely in the interaction and dialogue between different subjects.
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