Messanae Universitas Studiorum

Metodologie archeometriche a Catania. Caratterizzazione e datazione delle ceramiche preistoriche del sito archeologico di Milena (CL)

Troja, S.O. and La Rosa, V. and Pezzino, A. and Mazzoleni, P. and Romeo, M. and Burrafato, G. and Turrisi, E. and Petta, C. and Cro, A. and Gueli, A.M. (1994) Metodologie archeometriche a Catania. Caratterizzazione e datazione delle ceramiche preistoriche del sito archeologico di Milena (CL). Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti Classe FF.MM.NN., LXXII (Supplement 1). pp. 95-126.

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The paper presents the results obtained applying absolute dating methodologies and mineralogical, petrographical and micropalaeontological characterization techniques on prehistoric pottery sherds varying in age from the Middle Neolithic to the Sicilian Bronze Age. All the samples cames fron archaeological area of Milena (Caltanissetta-Sicily). In particular, those of Bronze Age were found on a single site characterized by a precise stratigraphic succession. The investigation has contributed to the determination of an absolute chronology for the Milena prehistoric age, with results which are in agreement with those expected by archaeologists. Further, although not yet complete and therefore with an uncertainty subject to great improvement, it was possible to obtain datings correlated to the precise stratigraphic succession of the Bronze Age site. The characterization measurements, both qualitative and quantitative, provided complementary results for a more complete understanding of the site’s history. In fact, the petrographical and mineralogical analyses allowed not only for the identification of the principal constituents of the pottery but also the formulation of some hypotheses regarding specific manufacturing techniques of different epochs. The microfacies, obtained from the presence of fossil protozoas ($Foraminiferida$, Nannofossili and macrofauna) in the groundmass of the pottery, were also analyzed and compared with the microfauna present in the Miocene clays outcropping in the area. The characterization data allowed the identification of the type of clay presumably used in the manufacture of the pottery and also showed the presence, already assumed by archaeologists, of imported Mycenean pottery,thus supporting the date assigned to the stratum of provenance.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: M.U.S. - Miscellanea > Atti Accademia Peloritana > Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali > 1994 > Supplemento 1 parte 1
M.U.S. - Miscellanea > Atti Accademia Peloritana > Classe di Scienze Medico-Biologiche > 1994 > Supplemento 1 parte 1
M.U.S. - Miscellanea > Atti Accademia Peloritana > Classe di Scienze Giuridiche, Economiche e Politiche > 1994 > Supplemento 1 parte 1
M.U.S. - Miscellanea > Atti Accademia Peloritana > Classe di Lettere Filosofia e belle Arti > 1994 > Supplemento 1 parte 1
Depositing User: Mr Nunzio Femminò
Date Deposited: 31 Mar 2014 16:04
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2014 16:04

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